A Torte-al Failure Of Sorts

So, there's a gap in my blog. I have good reason. I was in Ireland/Scotland from the 11th-19th :) Can you say, AWESOME? Anyways, I got home on Saturday the 20th and despite suffering from jet lag, I was antsy to bake something since it had been so long. I'm going to go ahead and blame the jet lag on the result of this week's baking experiment.

My mom gave me this recipe. It's a torte she saw done on "Ultimate Recipe Showdown". I've always wanted to make a torte homemade, so this seemed like a great idea.

I mean, look at that! How can anything that involves peanut butter cups go wrong?

Things were going great. I love chocolate. I love peanut butter. I love combining to the two.

Exhibit A:

I think I'm singing a happy chocolate/peanut butter song.

Things were going smoothly, and then it came time to move the other cake layer onto the peanut butter covered one. This is where the jet lag came in to play and I lost my mind. I'm going to blame Mike along with the jet lag actually. He's the one that said "Just put your hand under it and move it." My hand is half the size of the cake layer... Here is what happened:

I also think it didn't bake long enough. The recipe had comments that were adamant about the 25 minute bake time. Ugh, 28 probably would have been better for my oven.

The night was not a complete failure. I did manage to successfully pour this glass of water and pop this bag of popcorn.
