A brownie, minty fix

My poor baking blog. I think it feels like it's the red headed step child of my two blogs. I've been baking lately, just things that I've posted on here already, and also I'm not baking as frequently as I used to. Did you know ingredients cost money and a lot of the things that I want to bake have ingredients that cost even more money?

Anyways, I'm going to beat everyone to the punch on resolutions and resolve to give more love and care to this here baking blog!

I will start with the fix I needed Sunday night. I looked in my fridge. I thought "What is it that I want?" I glanced in the door, where I keep ridiculous amounts of bags of baking chips, and saw the bag of Andes mints. Then I remembered I have a couple boxes of brownie mix, and a plan was formed.

Basically this is nothing spectacular, but if you're in need of something chocolately and minty, you need to make this.

This is what you'll need:

Also stuff like eggs and water and oil. But anyways, make the brownie mix. Add the mint chunks. I dumped in the whole bag. Actually there was a little less than a whole bag. I don't know what recipe I had that just called for a small amount of Andes mints. In all reality, I probably just had a craving, opened the bag, and ate a few. 

A note on mixing these into the batter: The whole time I was mixing these up, I kept saying to myself "toss the mints in flour first, toss the mints in flour first, toss the mints in flour first."
Did you know that if you're mixing something like Andes mints into batter, if you toss them in flour first, they won't sink to the bottom when baking?
As I was mixing the mint chunks in, I thought "I forgot to toss the mints in flour first." 
So all of mine sunk to the bottom. It was okay. They were still delicious.

So anyways, bake accordingly and then let cool. If you're going to just hack into them at this point, then just hack into them. If you're going to frost them (like I did) then you need to be more patient than me and let them cool completely before frosting them.

Use whatever frosting you want! I looked up an easy cream cheese frosting and it was delish. Also, mix in some green food coloring just to make things more festive. ALSO, go to your Wilton food colorings, give them a stern look and say "From now on, I'm not using you for important things that need to be colored."

And then go out and get some of these, like a lot of them:

Best. Food coloring. Ever.
Y'all, my mom made black frosting with it, and it was black. BLACK!!! 
The quality of AmeriColor is just fantastic!

Anyways, here's what my brownies looked like:

So. More serious blogging on this here blog. Soon. I promise.