I'm sorry people! I know I've got a few followers, and this post is about 3 months too late. I'm such a procrastinator. Anyways, my blog is currently on hold for a couple reasons. One (and this one is weird and complicated), my computer doesn't read a memory stick from my camera (someone's husband just HAD to change their laptop to Windows 7 which made their wife's computer not like reading memory sticks....but I digress) and Mike has his laptop (which does read memory cards) with him in Georgia until February. The other reason is, I just feel weird baking in my mom's kitchen. I just miss my own space. Don't get me wrong, I'm so grateful for my mom taking me in while Mike is at AIT. My little blog is just on hold until February. I might post different recipes and things that I find online that I would like to try, but for now my blog is taking a nap.
Thanks everyone that reads! I can't believe I even have followers. You're amazing :)